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Johannes Schicker, Staff Scientist, Heterogeneous Integration Technologies
Our Staff Scientist Johannes Schicker has been part of Carinthian Tech Research (CTR) since 2010 – well before it was merged with SAL. He completed his studies in civil engineering at the Technical University of Berlin before launching his research career at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in the same city. After several other exciting positions in Northern Germany, he ended up in Austria – Villach to be precise, beloved by Johannes “for its proximity to Italy”.

"I deliberately try to pass on my knowledge."
Dear Johannes, what can you tell us about your research at SAL?
My research focus encompasses thermomechanical simulations which are used in several projects at SAL – for example in the project Diwine, which is a joint effort with Infineon where we calculate chip deformations under thermomechanical strains within the manufacturing process.
I am also project leader of Earthquake, a project with the Styrian company Resch who works on metal 3D printing methods. When printing with metals you need supporting structures which have to be removed once the product is finished. Previously, these supporting structures have been filed way. In this project, however, we are developing a new method to remove supporting structures through mechanical vibrations. In theory this already works quite well, and we are currently refining this method so it could potentially be used for any type of structure. Because this project is not within SAL’s typical area of research, I find it highly interesting. I can absolutely see us broadening our knowledge in this area and further developing the method in future projects!
What was your personal research highlight at SAL?
One of my personal research highlights happened a few years ago: We developed a MEMS piezo oscillating mirror practically out of thin air through simulations only and it worked instantly!
What does a typical work day look like for you?

In the mornings I usually work remotely, seizing the early hours to get a head start on the tasks of the day. Around noon I come into the office and use the time to exchange ideas with my colleagues. Oftentimes other researchers also come to see me to ask questions about procedures or research results – that’s always the moment when I realize how long I have been in this position and how much experience and expertise I can bring to the table! My background is in materials science, which is an area that is rather underrepresented at SAL, so I deliberately try to pass on my knowledge.
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